Monthly Archives: August 2009

“Read To Your Dog” Events Scheduled

The Howard Lake Library is going to the dogs this fall.   Four reading sessions are planned:     Sept. 19; Oct. 17; Nov.14 and Dec. 19.   All sessions run from 113:30 AM to 12:45 PM, and are held in the library.

If your school age child has never had the chance to read to a dog, please consider dropping in for one of the events.  The trained therapy dogs are calm and very patient and the handlers/owners are wonderful.

If you have any questions, please contact the Howard Lake library–320.543.2020.

Fall Storytimes Announced

Evening storytime is back at the Howard Lake Library.   The September 23 event is Little Critter; October 21 is Froggy; and December 2 is Reindeer Fun.  Each event runs form 6:15 to 7:00 PM and is held in the library.

For more information, please contact a librarian or call 320.543.2020.

…and a good time was had by all.

The weather was hot but the lemonade was cool and the party was fun.  The End of Summer Reading Party, that is.   On  Tues., August 11., readers who participated in the program played games, won prizes, ate cookies and drank pink lemonade.   Games included:  bean bag toss, sack race, egg on the spoon race, create your own game toss, drop the clothes pin and stick the fish on the board.    Grand prize winners for the three categories were announced.

When asked by Friends of the Library President Judy Forst if they had a good time reading this summer, the group responded yes.  When asked if they would like to do it again next year,  they responded with a resounding YES.   Watch for information about the 2010 program in late May of next year.  Thanks for participating in the 2009 program, and keep reading.

Click on the thumbnails to see the fun.


End of Summer Reading Program=Party Time!

The Friend of the Howard Lake Library will host a party as a “thank you-job well done” for all who registered and participated in the GRRL Summer Reading Program, “Be Creative @ Your Library”.  The party will be Tuesday, August 11 at 6 PM at the Howard Lake Library on the outdoor library square & greenspace.   Participate in old fashioned games, win prizes and enjoy treats.  The winners of the 3 grand prizes will also be announced that evening.

Siblings and other family members of the readers are also invited to atttend.

For more information, please contact the library at 320.543.2020.

In case of bad weather, this event will be held in the Howard Lake Community room.

Hard Work & A Good Deal

Author Barbara Sommer was in Howard Lake on July 15, 2009 and spoke to a small but appreciative crowd about her book Hard Work and A Good Deal.  After supporting her Powerpoint presentation with fascinating  dialog, Ms. Sommer answered questions from the audience.

Coffee, lemonade and bars were served by the Friends of the Howard Lake Library.
